Here at RackNerd, we're on a mission to introduce infrastructure stability on a global scale - one server at a time. Learn more about our story and why you should choose RackNerd for your infrastructure as a service (IaaS) needs!

How to Install Rundeck on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will go over how to install Rundeck on a Ubuntu based VPS. First and foremost, connect to your server via SSH. Step 1: Install Java 11 version by running the two commands bolded below: root@ip:~# apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless root@ip:~# java –version openjdk version “11.0.15” 2022-04-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.15+10-Ubuntu-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) Step […]

Top Five Reasons Why Most Businesses Either Fail or Stay Stagnant by Dustin B. Cisneros, CEO of RackNerd

Article by: Dustin B. Cisneros, CEO of RackNerd Recently, in the hosting industry, I’ve noticed that there have been some providers who were doing very well for a period of time, quickly fall down the ranks. As an actual example, there have been several providers who were gaining popularity very quickly in the hosting industry […]

Introducing New York City! Ryzen Dedicated Servers in New York (plus AMD EPYC’s)

RackNerd has officially turned up in New York City! If you are looking for Ryzen dedicated servers in New York, or AMD EPYC dedicated servers in New York, we have some great news for you! RackNerd is pleased to share that we have expanded our AMD Ryzen Dedicated Servers to New York. Currently, servers in […]