A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Install Latest Node in Docker Container

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This blog is your ultimate guide to installing the latest Node in the Docker container. Docker is a platform designed to make applications easier to create, deploy, and run using containers. Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code server-side, outside of a web browser.

To make your installation process quick, the prerequisites are the following:

  1. Free Docker Account
  2. A recent version of Node.js

Get Docker easily on your system from Docker’s official website. Be sure that you have installed Docker on your system before proceeding with the installation steps.

Start your coding by following the steps below. 

Steps To Install the Latest Node in a Docker Container

The process of installing the latest Node in a Docker Container includes eight inevitable steps. The 8 important steps for the installation are as follows:

  1. Start the process by making a Dockerfile.
  2. Specify the base image.
  3. Update the package lists.
  4. Installation of curl and gnupg.
  5. Import the Node.js repository.
  6. Install Node.js and check that the installation is correct.
  7. Create the Docker image.
  8. Run the Docker container.

Now let’s jump deep into each step to get a detailed view of the process. 

Start by making a Dockerfile

The first step in the process is to create a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a script that contains a set of instructions used to create a Docker container image. Dockerfiles provide a way to automate the process of building a Docker image.

Build a new file in the project directory and give it a name Dockerfile. Get it done with the:

touch Dockerfile

Specify the Base Image

Your second step is to specify the base image. For that, the Dockerfile needed to be opened in any of the text editors, and the first line of it should describe the base image.

Let us follow the below steps by taking the base image as ubuntu:15.10. 

FROM ubuntu:15.10

Update the Package Lists

The third step to installing Node in Docker is to update the package lists to accommodate updates and new package installations. Carry it through the following command:

RUN apt-get update

You should install curl and gnupg

For the purpose of downloading and installing Node.js, it is essential to install curl and gnupg. In order to install these packages, just add the following line to your Dockerfile:

RUN apt-get install curl gnupg -y

The -y flag answers ‘yes’ to all prompts to install without user intervention.

Import the Node.js repository

After the above command, let us proceed by implementing the Node.js repository in our list of sources. Rather than setting up the repository ourselves, we will make use of a script that has been provided by NodeSource. Include the following line in your Dockerfile:

RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash -

Install Node.js and check that the installation is correct

Now it’s time to install Node.js, as we implemented the Node.js repository in our list of sources. Be done with the following line:

RUN apt-get install nodejs -y

In order to install the latest version of Node.js from the repository, this command can be used. 

After this, it’s time to check whether Node.js and Node Package Manager (npm) were successfully installed. Include the following script:

RUN node -v
RUN npm -v

You might think why these commands now? These commands will display the versions of Node.js and npm that are currently installed on your system.

Create the Docker image

It’s time to save your Dockerfile and to leave the text editor. Want to build your Docker image? Follow the command below:

docker build -t node-docker

Run the Docker Container

Your Node in Docker container is ready! Thrilled? Execute the Docker container using the command that is provided below.

docker run -it node-docker

Remember while Coding

  • Node.js has sustained its position as the top platform among professional developers for more than five years. 
  • The containers allow a developer to package up an application with all libraries and other dependencies and ship it out as one package.
  • Dockerizing an application is the process of creating a Docker image with everything an application needs to work properly. This image is then utilized to construct a Docker container. 
  • Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is the same engine that powers the Google Chrome browser. 

Let us have a quick look at all the processes. To install the latest version of Node.js in a Docker container, the first step you need to take is to create a Dockerfile. After that, you should define the base image, which follows with an update to the package lists.

Install curl and gnupg to download Node.js. Add the Node.js repository and install Node.js. Congrats! Now you can build the Docker image and run the Docker container. 

To Conclude

You have successfully set up the most recent version of Node.js within a Docker container. This configuration provides you with the capability to develop Node.js applications within a controlled and isolated environment. Such an approach minimizes bugs and enhances the overall reliability of your applications.

Have you ever realized that this installation process was very simple before reading this article?

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